Brief Performance Measurement to Evaluation
Peter A. Tatian
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Nonprofits are increasingly expected to use data and evidence to manage and improve their programs and to demonstrate that they are producing positive results for their clients. Two frameworks for using data and evidence are performance measurement and evaluation. This brief gives nonprofits and funders a basic overview of performance measurement and evaluation to help them assess which activities are beneficial for programs at particular stages of development. The brief introduces the performance measurement–evaluation continuum, which uses performance measurement and formative evaluation to improve and refine programs, and then, for selected programs, undertakes summative evaluation to determine impact.
Research Areas Nonprofits and philanthropy Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Greater DC
Tags Nonprofit data and statistics Washington, DC, research initiative Data and technology capacity of nonprofits
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
Research Methods Performance measurement and management
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV